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Neuroscience: General, Bio/Neurofeedback
Neuroscience, A Reader, Michael Gazzangia The New Cognitive Neurosciences Principles of Neural Science Left Brain - Right Brain, Perspective From Cognitive Neuroscence
Findings and Current Opinion in Neuroscience Conversations in the Cognitive Neurosciences Development of the Prefrontal Cortex: Evolution, Neurology and Behavior The Human Frontal Lobes
The Synaptic Organization of the Brain Neurobiology Principles of Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology Betrayal of the Brain, Jay Goldsten, M.D.
Culturing Nerve Cells: Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience The Developed Mind - Toward a Neurobiology of Interpersonal Experience Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks Talking Nets - A Oral History of Neural Networks
A Symphony of the Brain - The Evolution of Biofeedback Quantitative EEG and Neurofeedback Biofeedback - A Practioner's Guide
EEG in Clinical Practice
The High Performance Mind: Mastering Brainwaves for Insight, Healing and Creativity Images of the Mind