This applet launches your message into orbit around the graphic of your choice. It adapts to a wide range of window dimensions, and supports parameters which affect the appearance of the text and the physics of the orbit.
Parameter: string
Description: Text string to be displayed. The text will orbit the point at the center of the applet window. The size of the text and the orbit will be scaled to the dimensions of the applet window.
Default: "No string parameter"
Note: The font consists of numerics, punctuation, and upper-case letters. Lower-case letters in the string will be displayed as upper case.
Parameter: text_color_front
Description: This specifies the color of the front side of the message. This parameter takes the form of a six-digit hexadecimal number, with two digits for each of the red, green, and blue color components.
Default: Yellow.
Parameter: text_color_back
Description: This specifies the color of the back side of the message. This parameter takes the form of a six-digit hexadecimal number, with two digits for each of the red, green, and blue color components.
Default: Red.
Note: A value of "transparent" will cause the back side of the text to be invisible.
Parameter: rpm
Description: This specifies the speed of the orbiting text, in revolutions per minute.
Default: 10
Parameter: dip
Description: This specifies the angle (degrees from vertical) of the axis of rotation. Positive values cause the top end of the axis to tilt toward the user.
Default: 10
Parameter: tilt
Description: This specifies the angle (degrees from vertical) of the axis of rotation. Positive values cause the top end of the axis to tilt toward the left, as viewed by the user.
Default: 10
Parameter: bgcolor
Description: This specifies the color of the background. This parameter takes the form of a six-digit hexadecimal number, with two digits for each of the red, green, and blue color components.
Default: Black.
Note: The background color will not be visible if a background image is specified.
Parameter: background
Description: The name of a graphic image to be used as the background of the applet window.
Default: The background will be a solid color.
Note: If the background image is smaller than the applet window, the image will be tiled to cover the entire area.
Parameter: planet
Description: The name of a graphic image to be used as the object which the text is orbiting. This should be a .GIF image; pixels in the space surrounding the planet should be set to the transparency color. The planet graphic will be centered in the applet window.
Default: The text will orbit around a point at the center of the applet window.
Parameter: rollover
Description: A user-defined string to be displayed in the browser's status window when the mouse pointer rolls over the applet window.
Default: The string displayed in the status window depends on the browser being used.
Parameter: URL
Description: The URL of a Web page to be displayed when the user clicks the mouse button in the applet window.
Default: Nothing will happen when the user clicks in the applet window.
Parameter: target
Description: This parameter is ignored unless it is used in conjunction with the "URL" parameter. It specifies the frame where the the target URL is to be displayed. Possible values include:

_self ..... show in the current frame
_parent ..... show in the parent frame
_top ..... show in the top-most frame
_blank ..... show in a new unnamed top-level window
name ..... show in a new top-level window named "name"
Default: _self

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Copyright © 1997 Edward R. Hobbs