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Future: Artificial Intelligence, Evolution, Fuzzy Logic, Neural Implants
The Age of Spiritual Machines - When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence, Ray Kurzweil Introduction to Artificial Life The New Renaissance - Computers and the Next Level of Civilization Robot
Silicon Second Nature - Culturing Artificial Life in a Digital World Artificial Life - A Report from the Frontier Where Computers Meet Biology Mind Children - The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence
Artificial Minds - Stan Franklin
Garden In the Machine
Being There - Putting Brain, Mind & Body Back Together Again Artificial Intellligence
Artificial Life - A Modern Approach
Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Robots
When Things Start to Think
Mind Design II - Phylosophy, Psychology, Artificial Intelligence Android Epistemology
The Philosophy of Artificial Life
Artificial Life - Proceedings of 6th International Conference of Artificial Life Behavior Based Robotics
Artificial Worlds - Computers, Complexity and the Riddle of Life, Richard Morris A New Understanding of the Organization of Life and the Vision of the Future, Joel De Rosnay Brain-Like Computing and Intellignet Information Systems Artificial Minds - Stan Franklin
Robo sapiens - Evolution of New A Species The Evolution of Mind from the Big Bang to teh 21st Century, Howard Bloom
The Global Brain Awakens - Evolutionary Next Step Beyond Humanity - CyberEvolution and Future Minds
Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzy Future - From Society and Science to Heaven in a Chip, Bart Kosko Fuzzy Engineering, Bart Kosko Fuzzy Logic, Matthew Friedman The Importance of Being Fuzzy
A First Course in Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy and Neuro-Fuzzy Systems in Medicine
Neural Implants
Neural Prostheses for Restoration of Sensory and Motor Function