Congratulations on having your site selected to receive the"2000-2001 Golden Web Award" from the International Association of Web Designers. This award represents that Brain Channels is
considered an outstanding website, incorporating high standards of design, originality and content.

Congratulations! Your site has won the Sinapsis Award for an Intellectual Attitude (Rated Level 4.0 - AwardSites.com) (Rated 5 Stars - Paris Excellence Awards© Club) (Member of The Top 25 Award Programs List). A very nice site, your content is presented well and easy to access. A worthy enterprise and a intellectual attitude.

Millennium Design is very pleased to present your web site with its Silver Award (Rated Level 4.5 - AwardSites.com) (Rated 4 stars Paris Excellence Awards© Club.) As a winner you have exceeded all required criteria and have presented us with an excellent web site to review. You are listed in our hall of fame. Congratulations on a great site! |

Congratulations! On behalf of Visual Xtreme-Design Services, I'd like to present your site with Visual Xtreme's Silver Award of Excellence. (Rated Level 4.0 - AwardSites.com) Positive contributions such as yours make the web a better place to visit. |
Congratulations, Brain Channels - Brain, Evolution & Memory is the recipient of JoyZine's Wonderful Website Award (Rated Level 4.0 - AwardSites.com) for its contribution to the cybercommunity's great store of valuable information.

Congratulations! Due to the excellent quality, artistry, and content of your website, "Brain Channels," you have been awarded THE STANDING OVATION AWARD (rated 3.5 by AwardSites.com). |
Congratulations! Your web site, "Brain Channels," is being recognized with the Dr. Matrix Award for Science Excellence from "Dr. Matrix' Web World of Science". This award doesn't go to "cool" sites. It goes to the great sites. It's not a daily or weekly award, but an award based on presence, here and now. It is given in gratitude, with no other request but that you keep doing
what you're doing. A heartfelt thank you for enriching the time we spend on the World-Wide Web. - Dr. Matrix (AKA Bruce Bowden - www.scientium.com)
Congratulations! Brain Channels has been selected as a featured site in Lightspan's StudyWeb® as one of the best educational resources on the Web by our researchers. StudyWeb® is one of the Internet's premier sites for educational resources for students and teachers. Since 1996, our expert reviewers have scoured the Internet to select only the finest sites to be included in StudyWeb's listing of educational links. Each site in StudyWeb® includes a detailed review describing its editorial and visual merits.
Congratulations! Your site is now a "LEARNING FOUNTAIN" (Top rated 5.0 Awards Sites.com). Click here to read Learning Fountain's Review of Brain Channels in its January 22nd Newsletter. |

Well done, your site (Brain Channels - Brain, Evolution & Memory), has been judged by all three judges on the Silver Spheres judging panel and it gives us great pleasure to
announce that you have won the SilverSpheres MERIT AWARD! (Rated 4.5 by Award Sites.com, Member of Paris Excellence Awards Club 4.0) |

Congratulations on earning the Eclipse Merit Award (rated 3.5 by AwardSites!) Your site was a pleasure to evaluate.We chose the name "Eclipse" for a very special reason. An eclipse is a rare and special celestial occurrence as well as a superlative meaning "surpass". |

Congratulations you won the Best of the Best Award. This award is given to outstanding Web Pages and recognizes the hard work that was put into the development of your web site. Thanks for helping make the Web a more interesting, fun and attractive place to visit.
I enjoyed visiting your site. It is truly a plus for the Internet and consequently I would like to reward your efforts with the Gadzillion Award For Creative Thought on the Internet. The award (rated 3.5 by Award Sites!) |
Featured in the November 7th issue of "Focus on the Best on the Net" weekly ezine.
Brain Channels was also selected for
these Science/Medical Search Engines
med411.com is a medical search engine utilized by health care professionals and consumers
Congratulations. We like your web site so much that we've added it to the Healthlinks.net directory. Criteria for selection include:
- Content of interest to healthcare professionals
- Tone and presentation maintained at a professional level
- Site structure, navigation and graphic design executed at a professional level
- A high level of integrity and credibility
MedExplorer is a free health and medical related search engine utilized primarily by healthcare professionals and consumers.
Brain Channels was also selected for
these other specialized Search Engines
Brain Channels is listed in the Yahoo directory, the top search engine on the Internet.
WorldHot.Com is the pioneer in the development of Better Web Navigation Solutions for web surfers that wish to find what they are looking for in just a few clicks.